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Local Experiences in Mussoorie, How Traveling to Mussoorie can help You Fight sadness


Updated: Jul 3, 2024

When you feel sad or unhappy, the idea of traveling can seem like a daunting task. After all, if you don’t even feel like getting out of bed, how can you face the vast, bustling world outside? However, it's precisely during these times that exploring local experiences in Mussoorie can offer a transformative experience. Life shouldn't remain stuck in the status quo. Staying in budget hotels in Mussoorie or a welcoming hostel in Mussoorie can provide a fresh perspective. Opt for group accommodation in Mussoorie to share the journey with friends, and immerse yourself in Mussoorie exclusive events for a renewed sense of purpose and an opportunity to rediscover joy amidst the beautiful landscapes and vibrant culture.

Sadness changes your minds chemical composition and makes you feel certain

things that you really don’t feel very happy about. But as they say, the two best

things that beat feeling of sadness are exercise and travelling. And when you travel, you

simultaneously exercise and beat those life’s Monday blues.

Travelling with your friends to Bunkotel will help you reduce the sadness. You will

get help while travelling by getting New connections, increases your creativity,

increased Imagination, Increases happiness.

New Connections.

Sometimes our home is a culprit in maintaining the status quo. It maintains the

monotony of the situation. When travelling with friends, something obviously

changes, it changes the status quo makes us face new challenges and thus we

kind off let go the current complex situation in our mind. Travelling with your wolf

pack will just be better than travelling solo.

Increased Imagination.

Social research tells us that new culture gives us increased awareness and

imagination. We get to see things that we don’t normally see. And new locales

provides new adventures and takes you away from your daily mundane

environment. And when you sleep in beds in which you generally don’t sleep (Bunk-

beds), it does hit your imagination.

Unleashed Creativity

Staying in a unique, unconventional environment of Bunkotel definitely makes you

more creative. You get to read quirky messages, life mantras, see the ropeway and

picturesque Dehradun valley. You take some decisions while travelling which

makes you think of your life and its daily challenges and you tend to relate and

solve those challenges while you are back from your holidays.

A man meditating sitting on a rock
Mussoorie can be bliss for you

Boosted Happiness

A recent study in Applied Research in Quality of Life tells that even just anticipating

a vacation can make you happy up to eight weeks! So just imagine when you

actually travel, it will lighten your mood and make you a bit relaxed. Just don’t rush

into your holiday and relax, unwind and just be content and even if you miss those

cliche tourist spots, it is alright.

Real Life Example, It Works!

Our friend, lets call her Miss X, was facing sadness and monotony in her life. Her friend decided to change that and advised her to take embrace two things in her life, running and travelling. She says that decision was life-altering and now she is a frequent

marathon runner and makes sure to run whenever she is on her journey. She says

depression cannot be tackled just by pills, you need to alter your lifestyle and see

the result on your own.

Psychiatrist worldwide recommends taking care of oneself, exercising, sleeping and

being active as best medication for fighting depression. We cant agree more!

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